There are many different factors that go into developing a successful marketing strategy. You need discipline, understanding of the various tactics, and have a basic knowledge of how marketing works. 

This can be difficult when you are starting from scratch but, the good news is that it is not impossible. If you are on the path to future success for your brand, it’s imperative that you begin with learning about the Four P’s of Marketing. 

The Four P’s of Marketing 

The secret to good marketing strategies is using various methods and approaches so that your business is out there for your target audience to see. While marketing can be very complex, its important to remember the four key factors when developing any new strategy. These are Product, Price, Promotion, and Purchasing. 

Product (and Marketing Strategy) 

It’s so easy to get lost in various new marketing tactics. Then you forget about the product you are marketing to the public. Remember, to create a major hit, it needs to be something that your target audience will actually want to buy. 

If your product doesn’t solve an issue or appeal to the needs of your target audience, it may not be a success. Whatever your product may be, come up with a real-world problem that it can help solve. 


As a product owner, you can’t just put a price tag on a product because that’s the amount you want to receive. Your product’s price should fall into the current industry standards and it should be something that your market is willing to support. Making it too expensive will turn away those looking for a deal while pricing the product too low may cause consumers to think it will not work as described. Therefore, you should put a lot of thought into the price. 


The promotion part of your strategy gets the word out about your product to the public. Come up with a brand message that is compelling and encouraging to your target audience so that they will want to buy the product you are selling. 


The purchasing part may seem easy, but you have to be sure your product is where your target audience can find it easily. You will want to streamline your purchases so that your marketing strategy works as planned. Deciding whether to sell your product online or offline is another big decision to make. 

These simple marking strategies can help you start up your marketing campaign and make it a successful effort. By taking the tie to remember the four P’s of marketing you will be on your way to an effective start.